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The student news site of Downers Grove South High School


  • February 11Boys varsity basketball vs. Addison Trail Feb. 15
  • February 11Girls varsity track and field vs. J Sterling Morton West Feb. 15
  • February 11Girls varsity bowling IHSA sectionals Feb. 15
  • February 11Boys varsity basketball vs. Proviso East Feb. 14
  • February 11Boys varsity tack and field vs. Hinsdale Central Feb. 14
  • February 11Boys varsity wrestling IHSA sectionals Feb. 14-15
  • February 11Girls varsity wrestling IHSA sectionals Feb. 14-15
  • February 11Girls varsity basketball vs. Willowbrook Feb. 12
  • February 11Girls JV basketball vs. Lyons Township Feb. 11
  • February 11Non-attendance day Feb. 17
The student news site of Downers Grove South High School


The student news site of Downers Grove South High School


Emma Fudacz

Emma Fudacz, Editor-in-Chief

Senior Emma Fudacz is an Editor-in-Chief for the DGS Blueprint, and this is her second year on the staff. Fudacz is a French tutor, a lifeguard, a member of NHS, French NHS and an honor roll student. Fudacz is also involved in Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts and received her Eagle Scout award in February 2021.

During her sophomore year, Fudacz took Journalistic Expression which ignited her love for journalism and storytelling. Fudacz was on the 2021 and 2022 Journalism IHSA Sectionals team. In 2022, Fudacz was one of 13 Illinois students selected to be on the IJEA All-State Journalism team.

As a managing editor for the Blueprint, Fudacz helped build the school Journalism club, and has published over 60 articles from student freelancers.

Fudacz’s other hobbies include hiking, reading, playing piano, hanging out with friends and volunteering. She also has an avid interest in traveling and has a bucket list a mile long. You will most likely find Fudacz with her nose in a book or daydreaming about places she’d like to visit.

All content by Emma Fudacz
South hires former students

South hires former students

Emma Fudacz, Editor-in-Chief
March 10, 2023
Students enjoy the props used at the 2020 Winter Formal photo booth. This year's dance will be on Saturday Feb. 25.

Winter dance makes comeback

Emma Fudacz, Editor-in-Chief
January 27, 2023
AP Language teacher Nicole Proimos instructs junior Lorelei Hengst on an honors English project.

New honors law aims to help students

Emma Fudacz, Editor-in-Chief
December 11, 2022
The Mustangs ended up losing the game with a final score of 7-27.

DGS varsity football loses to DGN

Emma Fudacz, Editor-in-Chief
September 12, 2022
One of the most important lessons for myself and any high schooler to learn is that it’s okay to still be a kid, and the best thing you can do for yourself senior year is to spend time doing things that make you happy.

My goal for senior year

Emma Fudacz, Managing Editor
May 17, 2022

Lady Mustang Micro-Influencers

Emma Fudacz, Managing Editor
March 16, 2022
Starting on Monday, Feb. 28, DGS students will have the option to not wear a mask to school for the first time in two years.

District 99 goes mask optional Feb. 28

Emma Fudacz, Managing Editor
February 25, 2022
One aspect of this debate is the significance of labels when it comes to sexuality and gender within the LGBTQ+ community.

Discourse over LGBTQ+ labels

Emma Fudacz, Managing Editor
February 4, 2022
As one of the biggest franchises in the world, opinions on the best Marvel movies tend to differ and spark heated debates. Here are my top 10 favorite Marvel movies/shows.

My top 10 Marvel movies/shows

Emma Fudacz, Managing Editor
November 29, 2021
I did it; I pulled the plug and deleted TikTok, and it was super hard.

Why I deleted TikTok

Emma Fudacz, Managing Editor
September 30, 2021
As a member of Boy Scouts myself, I have firsthand experience as to what it's like to be a girl in Boy Scouts.

Girls in Boy Scouts?

Emma Fudacz, Freelance Writer
April 29, 2021

Aspire to inspire

Emma Fudacz, Freelance Writer
February 22, 2021
What is it about the absence of two pieces of fabric that makes the wearer “unstable?”

Bring back kindness

Emma Fudacz, Freelance Writer
December 18, 2020
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