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The student news site of Downers Grove South High School


  • March 17International day of the elimination of racial discrimination March 21
  • March 17International day of happiness March 20
  • March 17First day of spring March 20
  • March 17Saint Patrick's Day March 17
  • March 10Orchesis annual show March 14-15 in Auditorium
  • March 6Choir show March 6
  • March 4World Language National Honors Society induction in Cafetorium
  • March 3Lent begins March 5
  • March 3Fat Tuesday takes place on March 4
  • March 3School board meets Monday, March 3 at 6:30 p.m.
The student news site of Downers Grove South High School


The student news site of Downers Grove South High School


TeKavin Russell

TeKavin Russell, Graphics/Photo Editor

The Senior icon-legend, TeKavin Russell is a Graphics/Photo Editor for the Blueprint, and this being his last year at DGS he has promised to make his impact in the little time he has left.

The most important thing that people like about TeKavin Russell is that he is unapologetically himself. He lives by the attitude of not caring about what anybody have to say and is going to “do him” regardless.

Russell is involved with sports such as cross country and track & field. His passion is music, rather, performing or creating it. Providing him with the desire to go to New York after high school for acting and musical theater.

One thing Russell enjoys doing is writing whether it’s a story, song, or poetry. Russell believes that having the opportunity to create your thoughts and bring them to life is the best power in writing. Supporting his dreams of being an entertainer, Russell never fails to excite the crowd around him.

All content by TeKavin Russell
This photo was taken at senior night where Eugene received his jersey with his name on it.

In Memory of DGS Senior Eugene Johnson

TeKavin Russell, Graphics/Photo Editor
May 15, 2023

[Video] The Blueprint Lyric Video

TeKavin Russell, Graphic/Photo Editor
May 9, 2023
Junior Blake Nickles spiking the ball during warmups before the game.

2023 Varsity Volleyball

TeKavin Russell, Graphics/Photo Editor
April 17, 2023
Students and staff can come and talk about school issues together during resource periods on Feb. 22 and Feb. 23.

[Photo] DGS to host Oreos and opinions

Hugo Pletcher, Opinions Editor
February 16, 2023
PattyO's newest album is all about his experiences of improving his rap skills.

Alumni Patrick O’Neil drops debut mixtape

TeKavin Russell, Grapics/Photo Editor
February 4, 2023
5 year old TeKavin Russell was drastically different then the TeKavin he is now.

My life outside of the spotlight

TeKavin Russell, Photos/Graphics Editor
January 12, 2023
Nicki Minaj has a lasting impact not only on me, but millions of Barbz worldwide.

Inside of a Barb’s head

TeKavin Russell, Grapics/Photo Editor
December 13, 2022
Steppers prepare for competition

Steppers prepare for competition

TeKavin Russell, Graphics/Photo Editor
December 1, 2022
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