Caitlin Spindler, News Editor
Senior Caitlin Spindler is a first year News Editor for the DGS Blueprint. Spindler is an honor roll student and is also a member of the DGS/DGN lacrosse team and a club lacrosse program.
Spindler took Journalistic Expression her junior year which continued to prove her love for journalism and further validated her plan to pursue a career in journalism after high school. During her time in Journalistic Expression, Spindler also freelanced articles for the Blueprint. Anything to do with writing has been something that has interested Spindler for as long as she can remember.
When she isn’t writing, you will find Spindler spending time with the ones she’s the closest to. Spindler also spends a lot of time perfecting her lacrosse skills, working at Cadence Kitchen & Co. or volunteering at her church. She looks to further her journalism skills this year on the Blueprint.