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The student news site of Downers Grove South High School


  • February 11Boys varsity basketball vs. Addison Trail Feb. 15
  • February 11Girls varsity track and field vs. J Sterling Morton West Feb. 15
  • February 11Girls varsity bowling IHSA sectionals Feb. 15
  • February 11Boys varsity basketball vs. Proviso East Feb. 14
  • February 11Boys varsity tack and field vs. Hinsdale Central Feb. 14
  • February 11Boys varsity wrestling IHSA sectionals Feb. 14-15
  • February 11Girls varsity wrestling IHSA sectionals Feb. 14-15
  • February 11Girls varsity basketball vs. Willowbrook Feb. 12
  • February 11Girls JV basketball vs. Lyons Township Feb. 11
  • February 11Non-attendance day Feb. 17
The student news site of Downers Grove South High School


The student news site of Downers Grove South High School


Jovana Kuzmanovic

Jovana Kuzmanovic, Online Entertainment Editor

Jovana Kuzmanovic is a senior at DGS and the Online Entertainment Editor for the Blueprint. At DGS, she is part of the English tutor program and NHS. During her junior year, Kuzmanovic was appointed the role of an English tutor leader and plans to continue this duty.

Kuzmanovic desires to continue her education but is undecided about her major at the moment. She has taken into consideration majors associated with data analytics, and she would like to attend college in the Midwest. 

An important aspect of Kuzmanovic’s life is her culture. She has been dancing traditional Serbian dance since the age of five and has loved every second of it. With her group, she has traveled to Canada, Texas, Arizona and many other destinations. Being part of her dance group for so many years has not only brought her closer to her culture, but it has taught her many life lessons about friendship and hard work. 

In her spare time, Kuzmanovic enjoys spending time with her friends and family, traveling and watching Netflix. Two of her favorite shows are “Friends” and “The Office.”

All content by Jovana Kuzmanovic
Chick-fil-A pizza is a great alternative if one is bored of their standard cheese pizza.

A teenager’s dream: Chick-fil-A pizza

Jovana Kuzmanovic, Online Entertainment Editor
April 14, 2020
The gang is back for season three of "On My Block."

‘On My Block’ doesn’t fulfill expectations

Jovana Kuzmanovic, Online Entertainment Editor
March 24, 2020
This week is Spirit Week and Valentines day so make sure to show some love to the school by participating.

Weekly preview 2/10-2/14

Jovana Kuzmanovic, Online Entertainment Editor
February 10, 2020
TLC is the perfect channel for everyone to binge-watch for hours.

TLC: The channel for everyone

Jovana Kuzmanovic, Online Entertainment Editor
February 4, 2020
Česnica is the only carb that people aren't avoiding this year.

Česnica: The lucky carb

Jovana Kuzmanovic, Online Entertainment Editor
January 8, 2020
Oplenac taking a quick picture in Arizona before their performance.

How folklor has affected my life

Jovana Kuzmanovic, Online Entertainment Editor
December 17, 2019
With finals approaching take this quiz to find out what final you will ace.

What final are you going to ace this semester?

Jovana Kuzmanovic, Online Entertainment Editor
December 12, 2019
Monday is a mustang way day focusing on teaching kids on healthy relationships.

Weekly Preview 11/18 -11/22

Jovana Kuzmanovic, Online Entertainment Editor
November 18, 2019
There's so many flavors of Oreos, but all of them are unique in their own way just like people.

Which Oreo flavor best describes you?

Jovana Kuzmanovic, Online Entertainment Editor
October 10, 2019
From Nintendo DS to iPhone, Mario Kart will always have a special place in my heart.

Mario Kart Tour : Racing through my heart

Jovana Kuzmanovic, Online Entertainment Editor
October 9, 2019
The pumpkin spice latté is one of the many pumpkin spice drinks one can get this fall

Which pumpkin spice drink are you?

Jovana Kuzmanovic, Online Entertainment Editor
September 19, 2019
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