Football team honors lives of Marino, Melau
Everyone in the audience and on the field fell silent as they remembered both Joey Marino and Evan Melau
Before kickoff, DGS Mustangs and Wheaton North Falcons fans, players, coaches and everyone in attendance took a moment of silence in remembrance of the lives of Joey Marino and Evan Melau at the first game of the year.
Senior kicker and cornerback Sean Steele spoke on this moment.
“It was a good feeling to know they were honored. That moment of silence definitely touched a lot of the players. Even though we lost, it doesn’t take away anything from those moments,” Steele said.
As tribute to the legacies of Marino and Melau, Varsity Head Coach Mark Molinari has created the Evan Melau and Joey Marino award, which will be handed out following each season to remember the positive impact both of these individuals have left on so many in the Downers Grove community.
“The awards are for Joey Marino and Evan Melau who passed away roughly around May and June of 2020. One family has created a foundation the other family donated some money to the program to help keep the memory of both Joey and Evan alive, so a part of the thing we did with the money was to create an award for both of them, and [the award] will be given out annually to players that both represent what Joey and Evan were both about, they were lower level players and they were both liked inside and outside of our program. So we are going to be rewarding players with a plaque to honor their lives,” Molinari said.
The DGS football team is on the road this coming Sept. 3 against the Glenbard West Hilltoppers as they look to compete for their first victory along with continuing their goal of remembering the lives of two Mustangs.