Freshman Friday: Sammy Bachara


Emmanuelle Copeland

Bachara practicing performing her prose reading for speech.

Q: What activities are you involved in?

A: I’m in choir and speech.

Q: Why do you do these activities?

A: [Choir and speech] are fun … It helps me get out of my comfort zone and perform which I normally wouldn’t do a lot but now I get to do every Saturday.

Q: What’s your favorite event in speech?

A: Dramatic duets because it’s fun to be dramatic and yell sometimes. And [my partner and I] are doing pretty well right now.

Q: If you were a Disney princess, what would be your sidekick?

A: It would be my dog, Cooper … He’s fluffy, tiny, really cute. He cuddles in my bed.

Q: If you were stuck on a deserted island with your family, who would you eat first?

A: My brother because he’s annoying most of the time. And I enjoy my mom sometimes … it depends on my mood

Q: How is the holiday concert going?

A: It’s a good time. I get to perform with the upperclassmen, which is pretty fun. [ Performing with them] gives me that goosebumps feeling and is overpowering.

Q: Are you excited about anything during or after winter break?

A: I’m excited to be with my [friends from Hinsdale South High School] for a while.