Horoscopes: Your lucky animals
Let your horoscope decide what kind of week you’re going to have and what your lucky animal is.
You might want to study for that test a little more… just a thought.
Lucky animal: falcon
Your pet is going to do something really cool. Make sure your camera’s ready so you can go viral on TikTok.
Lucky animal: ostrich
Be careful on the ice… it’s slippery. Again, just a thought.
Lucky animal: emu
Everything is going to go great for you this week. Congrats.
Lucky animal: leopard
This week’s your chance to be a kid again. Take advantage. Throw a snowball at your sibling.
Lucky animal: sugar glider
You’re right, be sure to let everybody know that. Even if they try to argue, they’re wrong and you’re right.
Lucky animal: manta ray
You’re gonna discover your new favorite artist this week. Be excited. Hope you like country!
Lucky animal: meerkat
You know that thing you’ve been saying you’re gonna do for forever. This week’s your chance to do it.
Lucky animal: sea otter
This week’s gonna be pretty bland. Sorry bout it.
Lucky animal: dog
Your team is gonna take the dub. Get hyped.
Lucky animal: gibbon
Go sledding. You know it’s fun and who cares if you’re in high school.
Lucky animal: penguin
Did you give up on your New Year’s resolution, already? You’re better than that, get back on track.
Lucky animal: platypus