Coronavirus is slowing destroying my life
The hallways at DGS remain quiet as the coronavirus pandemic continues.
As coronavirus cases skyrocket through the nation, everything I care about has come to a screeching halt. Friends, family, school and social events are all postponed or even cancelled due to the fear of coronavirus.
Personally, this has affected my own life in such a sizable way. I find myself unsure of what the rest of my senior year will become and I think that’s one of the scariest parts.
One of my biggest fears is what will become of my internship. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, I go to an elementary school to work with second grade students on their reading and language skills. With school being closed, my internship is on pause, which only lowers my hours spent with the kids I teach.
What’s equally as difficult is online school. With our school implementing online learning, I find myself forced to do busywork for classes. The last thing I want to do is wake up at 10 a.m. for a math lesson about parabolas.
Furthermore, I find myself actually dreading being at home. There is only so much to do in my house for three weeks and I was already bored on day one.
Another issue I’m facing is the uncertainty of one of my jobs. Currently, I work two different jobs, and while one is still enforcing attendance, the other one is on pause till the virus subsides. This means that during this time I am not getting paid as I am not working, which is money that I could really use for college.
Perhaps one fear every high school senior shares is the senior events we had been looking forward to for the past four years. Prom, senior night and graduation are all events I wonder if I will even be allowed to attend.
Prom is especially scary to think about being cancelled or postponed. My $300 dress is non-refundable, and I leave Illinois on June 8. for my summer job. I have such a busy schedule that even the thought of moving prom gives me anxiety.
One thing I thought I would never say is that I miss high school. I don’t want my last day of school to be on March 13. I miss having that social interaction with my peers and talking to the teachers that inspire me.
Coronavirus has made the world a scary place to live in. Events being cancelled and school not in session is a cause for a lot of boredom and uncertainty. Try to stay positive, keep in touch with your friends from the safety of your home, and hope this pandemic ends soon.