Some seniors prepare to graduate early


Alison Goulding

Students who choose to graduate early have to complete the needed credits a semester early.

With the last day of the semester on Dec. 20, seniors who chose to graduate a semester early will be finishing their high school career. These students will take finals but will not return to school for the spring semester.

The option to graduate early is open to all students, but students who choose to graduate early have to complete all their academic credits a semester early. School counselor Tim Christy spoke about the process a student would need to go through to graduate early.

“They would see their counselor, and then their counselor would go through the student’s credits up to that point. There is actually a form that needs to be filled out and signed by the counselor and the parent. Everyone signs that they agree that the plan that was put forth that they would take a certain number of classes the first semester of the student’s senior year,” Christy said.

Senior Agne Giedraityte is one of the students who chose to graduate a semester early. She discussed the extra work she needed to complete.

“I had to take two English classes and two P.E. classes, but that’s pretty much [it],” Giedraityte said.

With the semester off, students have the option to do what they want to do with their time. Many work or start college classes. Senior Jason Matthiesen plans to work during his semester out of school.

“After these finals I’m going to not be going to school. I’ll be just making money for college,” Matthiesen said.

Students who do graduate early will miss their final semester of senior year, a time when lots of activities and big events happen for seniors. According to Matthiesen, students who graduate early will still be able to attend events such as prom, so long as they are aware of the dates.

“You won’t be missing out on any school dances. You can still go, just as long as you are informed,” Matthiesen said.

Another fear of students graduating early is missing their friends who will still be in school. Giedraityte discussed what graduating early will mean for her social life.

“I’m going to have to actually hang out with my friends outside of school. I want to go to prom and do the normal stuff,” Giedraityte said.

Seniors graduating early will miss the second semester of their senior year. This is a time with a lot of big events to commemorate the students’ achievements. Christy spoke on how.

“I know that they are still on the mass emails that go out about all the different senior events that happen second semester,” Christy said.

A worry for all seniors is leaving their friends and the community they have built at the school. Matthiesen spoke on his concerns about leaving the school.

“I’m probably worried about what every senior is probably worried about-not seeing their friends or their classmates anymore,” Matthiesen said.

With his final days of high school approaching, Matthiesen spoke on what he is looking forward to

“I am excited because I don’t have to wake up every day at 6 a.m., and I can sleep in,” Matthiesen said.