Top ten Tuesday: Flexes from our childhood
The remnants of my Webkinz collection, once a solid flex, now they collect dust in a garbage bag in my basement.
In 2019, flex culture is everything. If you have AirPods, made it onto the DGS TikTok account on Instagram or own anything with a Supreme logo on it, you’re winning in life. It wasn’t always like this though, well the trends at least. Here are the ten biggest flexes from our childhood.
10. Rainbow Loom
Personally, I never wore any of these off-brand Silly Bandz, but I have to respect the flex. For some, these were fun bracelets they made with their friends on a half-day and made it a staple of their wardrobe. For others, it was their first experience of running a black market enterprise.
9. Webkinz
Now, these I did have. I don’t know where they are today, but my 20+ Webkinz collection that lived in my mega-mansion is still one of my proudest achievements.
8. Temple Run High Score
There were about 20 minutes in 3rd grade where I had the high score on Temple Run. Sorry, let me say that again. There were about 20 minutes that I owned 3rd grade.
7. Challenges
First, there was the Cinnamon Challenge, then the Harlem Shake videos took over and then the Ice Bucket Challenge dominated my Instagram of about 71 followers. Does it count as clout-chasing if I’m 11 years old with a bowl cut?
6. Uggs
I just looked them up. Uggs go for over a hundred dollars. I never knew the OG hypebeast shoes of our generation were worn by girls with mustached unicorns on their shirts.
5. Club Penguin Igloo
Altogether, I probably spent a couple hundred dollars on Club Penguin memberships. Was all that worth it to get a couple dozen Puffles, have a dope igloo, and become a legend at Card-Jitsu? Of course.
4. Bottle Flipping
If you could flip a water bottle and land it, you were cool. If you could land it on the cap, you were a god.
3. Fidget Spinners
These started as something genuinely helpful to people that had trouble focusing in class. Then somebody bought 500 of them and sold them to kids at school. Then they got banned.
2. Nike Elites
I still don’t get how my mom ever let me drop $20 on a single pair of socks, but seeing as freshman boys still wear these to school, I guess they’re still in style.
1. Silly Bandz
We liked these to the point where the news told us it was genuinely dangerous because we were losing circulation from our stack of 50 on each arm. OK, boomers.