Freshman Friday: Gwen Royle


Sarah Barber

Freshman Gwen Royle poses with her prose book, practicing for an upcoming speech competition.

Q: What has been your favorite memory at DGS so far?

A: My favorite memory from DGS so far making new friends and having those friends in my classes. Nothing makes a class better then some laughs.

Q: What activities have you joined at DGS?

A: I am in the Speech and Drama program. The fall play, Juli(us) Caesar, was an amazing introduction to high school, and I loved every moment, even the late nights.

Q: What do you miss most about middle school?

A: I think that the only thing I miss about middle school are my old teachers. They were all so amazing and they made sure I was ready for this big transition.

Q: How do you feel about your first round of finals coming up?

A: I’m a bit nervous about finals, but my classes have really prepared me for them. I have had to learn new studying techniques in high school and I’m sure that will be a great help in these upcoming weeks.

Q: What are you most excited for in the next four years at DGS?

A: I am excited about finding the people in which I truly click with. I have always felt like I never quite had a group of people that share my interests and I can’t wait to meet and share the next for years with them!