To the class of 2018


Jayna Bardahl, Print News Editor

Dear class of 2018,

We are days away from being the seniors enrolled at DGS…and that still feels weird for me to type.

Most of us are already complaining about being ready to leave. Seeing all of our senior friends prepare for college and their exciting lives ahead of them makes us crave our own graduation even more. And as excited as I am to discover my future college home and learn what all of my peers who I have grown up with for the past three years are planning on doing post high school, there are some things we should remember to cherish as we walk into school next August as the “top dogs”.

1: Have school spirit

As I look back to the time that I was a freshman on the cheer team, I remember looking up into the football stands at games like a deer in headlights as all of the seniors crowded the first rows of stands and I didn’t spot anybody I knew. I’m sure for most of you, it doesn’t feel like very long ago when you stood around all game talking on “freshman hill” feeling too cool to show any school spirit.

Although, as the 2017-2018 school year comes around this is our time to take advantage of the power that comes along with being a senior. Go to the games and sit in those front row seats you always dreamed of having. Whether the theme is country club, hawaiian or blue on blue go all out and make the fan section be the greatest place to be, no matter how the team is doing.

2: Bond as a class

Throughout our years at DGS I’m sure many of us have always looked up to the seniors and the way they interact as a class. The seniors win the spirit jug almost every year, they go to prom, have a grad nite at Six Flags, host a BBQ on the last late start and most of the time pull off an entertaining senior prank.

In order to show how much we have matured and grown over our years at DGS we need to bond and engage in these activities and more as the class of 2018. Despite all the days you may be annoyed at the person who chews their gum to loud in english, or the kid who asks too many questions in math class remember that this is your last chance to leave a mark on DGS. After all, in college you probably will find yourself missing walking past that pretty girl in the hallway everyday or having small talk conversations about your life with your gym best friend.

3: Cherish every “last”

As much as we might want to rush through our senior year and anxiously await the day when we walk through these locker-lined halls for the last time, we should not forget to remember to make every moment of our senior year special especially all of our “lasts”.

Senior year marks the end of such a large chapter in all of our lives so whether it be our last first day of school, last football game, or last pep assembly live in the moment and make memories that you can carry with you as we move on to larger things in our lives.


Jayna Bardahl