How weightlifting change my life


This was my most recant photo i’ve had taken my senior year.

Hamzah Sayyed, News Editor

This was me my sophomore before my injury having enjoying some free weights in my basement.

Weightlifting has been a huge part of my life, it’s something that I value and it’s what has shaped me physically and mentally.

Going back to my 8th grade year at Jefferson Junior High where the journey began. It was after school, I had just finished wrestling at state and ended up losing due to my lack of strength. I was introduced to the weight room at the school by my wrestling coaches however, the person I trained with was principal Warnke.

I was thankful to have him as a mentor when I worked out. Before I knew it, I was graduating from junior high and moving and thanks to Mr. Warnke I was hooked. My biggest concern was having access to a gym, so I decided to step it up and buy a gym membership at the UFC gym.

At first, it was challenging for me, I saw these huge guys and it honestly made me feel terrible. Before I knew it I was back to square one. I tried way too hard to lift heavier, embarrassing myself, looking like an idiot but I kept going and over time, I noticed a difference.

It wasn’t until my closer friends and fellow classmates started to notice my lifting ability along with my bigger build, my confidence started to build up. Not only did weightlifting help me physically, but it also had a positive impact on my mental health. I became more confident, focused and disciplined.

As I continued to lift weights, other areas of my life began to improve. Things like becoming more organized and proactive on a personal level along with, setting goals and achieving success. I found myself making healthier choices, such as eating better and taking care of my mental health.

It wasn’t until my sophomore year, where I suffered my biggest injury ever. My right hamstring was severely torn, and my impatience led to me never giving it time to heal causing it to get worse. The tear ended up needing 2-3 months to heal plus physical therapy to get back into motion.

After the recovery I had gained a ton of weight and I was back to my self-conscious, overthinking self. This caused me to be less interactive and avoid most of the people I called friends.

Things like sports and other activities didn’t seem as interesting anymore. I tried to get back into it, but could never stay on board with it like I had before.

But I was lucky to have someone by my side. My older brother Abraham was a great influence for me and became someone I looked up to, in a way I hadn’t looked up to anyone else. Slowly I began going back to the gym and pumping weights like I did before.

It wasn’t until my junior year where I became someone people looked up to, I was out lifting most of the seniors and before I knew it, I was happy again. I haven’t felt this way in a very long time and I was so proud to be me. The feeling that I gained my junior year was pushing me even further.

Currently, I still have some of the weight I had gained; however, my overall build has improved. I’m back to being the strong-willed person I was. My numbers as of the release to this article is a 362 lb bench, 585 lb squat, along with a 800 lb hip thrust.

In short, weightlifting changed my life for the better. I transformed from someone who was self-conscious and insecure, into a confident and disciplined individual. My newfound strength and fitness took me to a whole new level, and the ripple effect of their positive changes extended into every aspect of my life.