Students vote in 2022 midterm election

DGS senior votes with his mom for the first time.
The midterm election is going to take place on Nov. 8, where four-hundred and seventy seats will be up for grabs across the country, including multiple seats for both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Along with some Interesting Policies being introduced, numerous state and federal representatives will try their best to represent their parties, hoping to win the election.
Illinois will have an intense ballot where former and upcoming representatives will challenge each other to win or keep their seats. The election has always been a massive part of America’s history and is why America is what it is today. And when individuals think about that, it can get nerve-wracking.
The voting process is pretty simple; however, first-time voters must go through the registration process first. This includes having a valid ID that states the last four digits of your social security number or if you have a current ID or document providing your identity and address.
Some students of the 2023 class have access to voting and having their voices heard for the very first time. Seniors Kate Wilson and Sam Price both recently celebrated their 18th birthday allowing them the opportunity to vote. Voting for the first time can be challenging in most cases; however, many view it differently.
“I’m excited to vote because I finally have a say in what happens in our country,” Wilson said.
Price had a more accepting approach and figured that it’s a part of the tradition and we shouldn’t be afraid to vote.
“It’s a weird feeling, but there’s a lot of other people doing it, so it’s not like you’re out of place,” Price said.
A common thought in some new voters is whether they can make a difference with their vote. And while it can look unmotivating, it’s essential to know that every vote counts; every person has a voice and should believe they can make a difference.
“I do believe that I can make a difference. Everyone’s vote is counted, and in choosing to vote, you are actively voting to change our country for the better,” Wilson said.
Price also had a similar take on voting, having a more stern reasoning.
“When every person takes the time, it adds up and chooses the majority; if people don’t participate, they don’t get what they want,” Price said.
DGS also does a good job encouraging students to vote; the government classes recently brought back an old tradition that helps inform students about the candidates on the Illinois ballots. Essentially, they hold a mock election held at the school that helps represent the actual election. Junior Patrick Cohoon gives a summary of what role he played, along with some of the information he gained.
“I was the representative for Darren Bailey. I had to [present] a script that was about his ideas to the audience, which gave them an idea about what his views and policies were about. I think it helped me understand the difference between the candidate’s view, and it’s not necessarily right or wrong; we have to consider what they say,” Cohoon said.
These mock elections give younger students a better perspective on real-world elections. Cohoon also explained what he thought of the mock election and that having gone through that whole process allowed him to gain a better understanding of the election, so he’s prepared for next year.
“I will use the information I took out of it, and when I’m able to vote in 2024, I’ll have a better view and understanding of how the election works. It’ll allow us to educate ourselves better when we vote,” Cohoon said.