Netflix original, ‘Moxie’ leads the way to smash sexism
Watch the new Netflix original, “Moxie” out now.
Released on March 3, “Moxie” hit Netflix with a revolutionary journey about the battle of sexism throughout an Oregon high school.
The film follows a young teen named Vivian played by Hadley Robinson, a shy and introverted girl who later finds her own voice. But when new student, Lucy, played by Alycia Pascual-Peña, speaks out about the sexist acts of the , Vivian has her own feminist awakening. Vivian’s revelation of the misogynistic behavior from her brings a bright idea to create an anonymous zine called “Moxie,” spotlighting the sexist behavior of her peers.
As the zine begins to circulate throughout the , a new club is formed — “Moxie.” Women all over the begin to gather and revolt against the administration to do something about the behavior of their fellow classmates, gaining a large following to take down the individuals who are responsible for this behavior.
Lucy was the real main character of “Moxie,” planting the seed to actually create a change within the . On Lucy’s first day, she begins to be targeted and harassed by the popular boys of the , but when reported, officials move quickly to ignore the sexist acts.
Personally, I believe that the powerful duo of Lucy and Vivian was essential to creating an even stronger message to viewers. Vivian — just like myself — didn’t exactly pay much attention to the behavior around her. This is vital in relating to other women who have a strong feminist awakening, opening their eyes to the sexism that lies around them.
As a young female myself, I could relate to Vivian. Unfortunately, I never put any real thought into the real issue that is sexism; I always thought, “this is just the way our society is.” As I began to actually witness this behavior from my peers, I began to want to make a change and stand up for feminism.
Sexism is a real thing in our society.
Why does what I wear distract others from learning? Why am I afraid to walk home alone? Why do I have to think if the length of my is safe?
Millions of women everyday are judged on how well they , how skinny they are and how pretty they are to the male eye. But how is this relevant to anything? The answer is that it is not; women can be just as smart, successful and strong as any man in our society.
“Moxie” did not hold back in the realness of the experiences many women have endured, including rape, harassment and simple inequality between men and women. It is extremely important to share how women are treated in society and the lack of seriousness officials take in these actions. “Moxie” did an exemplary job at sharing the traumatic, damaging experiences that are real in our world today and is definitely worth the time to watch. My rating is 8.7/10.