Top 10 days of the week; Some days are so long they feel like two

Teagan Smith

More stories from Teagan Smith

Teagan Smith

Although they are only seven days of the week, some are so long that they should be considered two.

The only thing that has remained constant throughout the past crazy year is that at the end of every night there will begin a new day. And after each day there will be a new week. This repeating cycle although oftentimes monotonous can help us with the consistency it brings.

Here is a list of the top 10 days of the week—because some days are so long they feel like they should be two.

#10: Tuesday
The true start of the week because late start Mondays don’t count.

#9: Sunday Night
Time to do all the homework you have pushed off the past two days. Have fun!

#8: Wednesday
The only thing good about Wednesday is that it is no longer Tuesday.

#7: Thursday night
It is inevitable that you will have homework and studying tonight. Just remember that in less than 24 hours you will get the break you deserve.

#6: Sunday during the day
A great opportunity to take time for yourself, and also procrastinate the homework you should be doing today.

#5: Friday during the day
Many teachers decide to make Friday a test day so that you have no homework over the weekend. This is nice until you have four tests in one day.

#4: Thursday during the day
The week is almost over and you are excited for the weekend. Also normally not a test day.

#3: Monday
A short amount of time at school and the ability to sleep in. A beautiful day.

#2: Saturday
A day with no school, and no school the next morning. There is only one of these, cherish it.

#1: Friday night
You have finished the school week, and you don’t have to think about school for at least another day. Enjoy it, you deserve it.