Insecure about security: New personnel and procedures
DGS hired a new security guard for the 2019 school year.
Following the push for greater security in schools nationwide, DGS hired new security officer Gonzalo Navejar for the 2019 school year. Along with the new security protocols at DGS, this marks a continuation of the trend to make DGS safer.
Navejar is one of the four, campus security personnel at DGS and can be found around the school. Navejar’s actions serve to not only enhance the security at DGS but also to provide comfort for the students present.
“First thing is safety first. The main reason why we’re here is to ensure everyone feels safe and comfortable,” Navejar said.
In addition to hiring Navejar, the security at DGS was further reinforced through the introduction of the ALICE procedure during the 2018 school year. ALICE, which stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate, is designed to protect students at DGS in the event of an emergency. DGS also makes use of a variety of drills in order to teach students safety during emergencies; one of the most recent drills on Thursday, Sept. 26 utilized the ALICE procedure.
These procedures, in conjunction with new security personnel like Navejar, help to reinforce security at DGS.
“Especially with things unfortunately like school shootings and things like that. We need someone — we need a team of people that can relay any information any threats any concerns between us, to administration,” Navejar said.
Freshman Taran Sooranahalli believes that individuals like Navejar allow him to feel more comfortable in school.
“I think he’s pretty chill. He’s a good security guard,” Sooranahalli said.
Sooranahalli is also especially fond of the new procedures present at DGS.
“I think [the new security procedures] are great, it really adds a lot of security for the students so that they can feel safe and still have a great learning experience.”
Senior Colin Dodd also holds a favorable opinion on Navejar and the security changes.
“[Navejar] looks like a fine upstanding individual … That’s all I really think about him,” Dodd said.
While Dodd considers the need for new security features unfortunate, he believes they are a necessity.
“It just seems like an adaptation to an ever-changing world. There’s nothing you can really do about it,” Dodd said.
Both staff and students agree that new security measures are needed in order to create a safer environment at DGS. The changes at DGS ensure that there is indeed greater security here at DGS.
“It’s a different world we live in now than it was before. It’s definitely a good thing to have security here opposed to schools that don’t have it,” Navejar said.