Why you should take the PSAT
The PSAT is an important test when getting ready for college, make sure you take it.
With the optional PSAT for Juniors occurring last Wednesday the 10th, it is essential that students understand just how important these tests truly are. The annual test is seen by many as a waste of time, but it is extremely important when applying to colleges. So basically what I’m saying is take the PSAT.
The PSAT is offered to freshmen and sophomores as practice for the actual SAT test. A date is reserved in April and is set aside for testing each year where the PSAT is given to underclassmen and the SAT is given to juniors. While the tests do hold a substantial amount of weight with them, many do not see the full importance of putting effort into them.
The SAT is one of the most critical tests of a person’s high school career. The SAT is a standardized test that is used by colleges as a requirement for acceptance. The score that a person receives must meet the minimum that a college requires in order to be considered for acceptance to that school.
The PSAT is used as a practice for the SAT as well as a way to qualify for specific scholarships such as the National Merit Scholarship.
The National Merit Scholarship is attached to the PSAT taken in October where if a person reaches a certain percentile they qualify to apply to the scholarship. 15000-16000 students are selected as semifinalists. From the semifinalists, the winners are selected.
Each receives $2,500 instantly as well as national recognition for their achievement. To be a National Merit Scholar means to receive national recognition.
Currently, DGS has two National Merit Semifinalists. The scholarship is something that can be added onto an application and can help a person in many ways.
Taking the PSAT can also help a student improve their SAT score (remember the one that is so important for college). According to ink.niche.com which quotes the College Board, “students that take the PSAT score 145 points higher on the SAT than those that don’t take the preparatory exam.” If this doesn’t convince you to take the test then I don’t know what will.
The SAT is one of the most important tests a high school student will ever take. If it is at all possible for students to improve their scores on the SAT test then it should be done immediately. All in all, take the PSAT. It has so many benefits that come into effect once you begin your college application process.