As prom approaches quickly, students are eagerly waiting for all the events and preparations that come with it, such as booking appointments and finding the perfect outfit. Though prom is an exciting time at DGS, many students forget that prom is not all about the theme, decorations or dates; it is about making lasting memories with friends and peers who we will not be seeing next year.
Conflicting opinions on the theme, “A Starry Night In Paris,” can be heard from any senior at DGS. Some are fond of the theme because of the creativity the class board can put into decorations, while others dislike the theme because they believe it is overused and boring.

While it seems like all seniors have something to say about the theme, we should not be centering prom around the concept or the decorations. As senior year is coming to a close, prom is the last social event we will experience before graduation. Focusing on complaining about the theme is the last thing we should be doing.
Yes, a prom theme is fun and there’s no doubt about that, but what exactly is the point of a prom theme? According to the article “42 Totally Original Prom Themes That Will Blow Your Classmates Away,” by Seventeen Magazine, they say the point of a prom theme is to help people decide what to wear, set a vibe for the night and choose music.
However, the theme of prom should not dictate what people are going to wear or what type of music will be playing. I mean, I would not be very happy with fancy, French music playing all night. Using the theme to base your outfit off of is unoriginal in itself; if everyone were to dress in dark, sparkly outfits with no variety, no one would be showing off their own personalized styles.
Everyone has a prom theme they were rooting for and wanted to win, and yes, some of the themes were cliche and overused, but in the end, the theme doesn’t matter. Creating memories during prom is more valuable than following the theme.