The DGS Fine Arts department will be hosting its annual fall choir concert on Oct. 3, 2023. The concert will be held in the Performing Arts Center on the main stage. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the show will begin at 7 p.m..
Choir teacher Joy Belt-Roselieb is in charge of teaching students their assigned songs for their performance as well as helping them perfect their skills. There will be five different choir ensembles performing in this concert.
“So we have the Madrigal Singers, A Cappella choir, Treble choir, Treble Ensemble and the concert choir. Each group has their own song to sing,” Belt said.
Each group will have their own time to perform during the concert. Sophomore Abby Heavrin is in both the Treble choir and Treble Ensemble this year. She shares her feelings about the upcoming concert.
“Everyone is really good and super excited. It’s going to be fun,” Heavrin said.
Since each group has their own separate song, there are also several different music genres that will be performed.
“They range anywhere from like a rock song called ‘Don’t Stop Believin’’ to some contemporary choral songs that have good uplifting messages,” Belt said.
“Don’t Stop Believin’” is going to be the group number this year, meaning all choir groups will perform the song together. Heavrin will be performing in three separate songs seeing as she is in two choir groups.
“Treble choir is doing a song called ‘Feeling Good’ and then the Treble ensemble is doing ‘Alice’ like from ‘Alice in Wonderland,’” Heavrin said.
The students in the DGS choir are looking forward to their upcoming concert on the third.