Top 10 nostalgic items
Take a moment to imagine a conversation with your younger self, what, to you, are the 10 most nostalgic items?
Being a second-semester senior means preparing to start and plan the rest of your life– and, let me tell you– it’s scary, but also exciting. Amongst my prom, graduation and college planning, I found myself getting a little nostalgic. And so, with adulthood looking right around the corner, I wanted to take a moment to list what I believe to truly be the top 10 most nostalgic items.
#10: PBS Kids
Martha Speaks, Wild Kratts, Arthur, Dinosaur Train, Sid the Science Kid, Super Why! and Ruff Ruffman: PBS Kids was a staple in my afterschool and weekend routine and will always hold a special place in my heart. This program was made possible by viewers like you.
#9: Gingko Leaves
Every time I see a Gingko leaf, I think of the Morton Arboretum. I remember spending summers searching for tadpoles there, visiting the Christmas light show, and, until recently, looking for the troll on the top of the hill as I drove by.
#8: Strawberry Shortcake scent
I went through a major Strawberry Shortcake phase as a kid, at the peak of this obsession, I acquired a scented picture book. The sweet smell of artificial strawberries will never fail to remind me of my childhood.
#7: Sweet and Sassy
Now, I don’t know if you ever had the great privilege of attending a Sweet and Sassy Party, but if you did, you know what I am talking about. The good people of Sweet and Sassy would pick you up in a hot pink limousine and take you to their makeover spa to make you feel like a princess.
#6: Kraft mac and cheese
There is just something about that bright orange artificial cheese packet… bonus points if you get the Spongebob Square Pants shaped noodles.
#5: Freeform’s 25 Days of Christmas song
I have always been the type of person that gets into the Christmas spirit the day after Halloween which means starting the classic Christmas movie marathon. Freeform is on the same page, airing an endless cycle of Christmas movies with the 25 days of Christmas jingle airing between commercial breaks.
#4: “O’hair” billboard
Car rides to and from the airport were simply not complete without the appearance of Brian Urlacher’s face on a Restore billboard.
#3: O’hare Airport moving walkway
While on the topic of O’hare, returning from vacation is usually sad… especially if you are returning from somewhere warm to Illinois in the winter; but, the one thing I always looked forward to was stepping onto the moving walkway on the way to baggage claim so that I could look up and see the ceiling mirror and neon lights.
#2: Silly Bands
My sister and I had an entire bin full of silly bands that we would sort on a weekly basis. Bonus points if you would bring an armful into school to trade with your friends, even after teachers banned them from classrooms for being too “distracting.”
#1: Chocolate milk straws
These things are literally magic. Delectable. A milk drinking experience that even my lactose-intolerant friends enjoyed.