Senior assassins is not all fun and games

DGS seniors participate in Nerf game.
April 4, 2023
It is that time of the year again when you see high school seniors running around in tutus and pool floaties, and hiding behind trees and cars. But it is not all fun and games. While it looks like everyone is having fun, not all participants agree on how the game is run.
Senior Kaitlyn Vincent is a player of the game as a part of a four-person team and has loved playing the game so far.
“I have loved playing the game because of the suspense. I’m always on my toes and it’s fun to sneak around with friends and get our targets. You really have to be aware of the game, checking Instagram to see if any of the rules changed or if there is a purge where you can get anyone,” Vincent said.
Vincent also has respect for the game coordinators, as she knows that it is hard work.
“I think the game has been run well, other than some specific rules they have made, but I know being a coordinator of this game is a lot of work, so I try not to always be in their DM’s suggesting ways to change the game,” Vincent said.
Senior and game coordinator Tim Dudasik comments on some setbacks he has had as a coordinator during the game.
“Running the game has come with some setbacks as we can’t please everyone and can’t make the game perfect and some people have given us a hard time about that,” Dudasik said.
“We try to explain it to the players and then we just move on because we know it’s nothing personal,” Dudasik said.
With weeks left of high school for the seniors, it is the last moments of fun and games with their peers.
“I think we all should remember that we only have a couple weeks left here at DGS, so at the end of the day we should just have fun playing this game,” Izzo said.