Hopelessly un-devoted: The fall of the ‘wife guy’

Men known as wife guys are people who base their image around their wives.

Megan Fox

Men known as “wife guys” are people who base their image around their wives.

The internet is always a strange albeit confusing place to be, there has been one moment of clarity in these past few weeks; wife guys, men who base their personality around their wives, are on their way out. Ned Fulmer, a content creator known best for his part in The Try Guys, was found to have been cheating on his wife with a production assistant from his company, and has since been removed from The Try Guys.

Fulmer joins a list of men who have been proclaimed “wife guys,” by the internet who are anything but devoted to their wives. He joins the likes of comedian John Mulaney and Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine, all of whom made a career centered around family and since have had alleged cheating scandals.

With the click of a button, countless videos of Fulmer referring to his wife and kids as the greatest things to happen to him or Mulaney talking about his now ex-wife in nearly every comedy bit. While the average person is not affected by these men’s moral wrong-doings, it’s time to start investigating what this behavior is rooted in: misogyny.

Though this may seem like an extreme take on what seems to be unfortunately routine for many celebrities, when closer examined it is clear that these men are using their wives for their careers. They create an appearance of a devoted and loving husband or father who would do anything for their family and those they care about. This garners support for their careers because it gives the public a figure who can be “just like them.”

Then, after they build a career around their wives and children they may have, this behavior comes to a screeching halt when they dabble in infidelity. These men use women as a catalyst for their careers and then leave their partners in the dust when they mess up. Usually first acknowledged by a Notes app apology that reads something along the lines of “We are handling this privately,” or “My top priority is my family.”

But people often wonder why only now they have decided to prioritize “important” relationships. Questions often remain unanswered and the press surrounding these instances fizzles out after people frankly stop caring.

But this cannot continue. The spotlight on these men mustn’t dim but stay bright to set an example for others. Celebrities have a large influence on the public and especially younger members of the population. If young viewers see they can do what they want, whenever they want and escape relatively unscathed (with the exception of a potentially bruised ego), they will keep thinking it is OK.

This behavior needs to be called out and everyone needs to know that the actions of these “wife guys,” is never and will never be OK. While it can be funny to ridicule others’ wrongdoings, one must realize there are real families that are and will be hurt by these actions. Celebrities, as odd as it may seem, are people too and sometimes we must realize that the energy usually focused on hate can be transformed to support those hurt.

The lesson at the end of the day should be a simple one. First, don’t cheat on your wife. Second, if you have to base your whole personality on your significant other, yikes.