DGS presents a masked show, better yet a masked freshmen
Freshmen play practice in action.
“The Masked Freshmen” play opens Sept. 16 and runs through Sept. 17. The play showcases several skits staring freshmen.
The play is directed by English teacher Justin Matkovich, who shares how to get involved.
“For freshmen who do sports, it is a little bit easier to get involved like at the very beginning of the summer. But if you do activities, it’s sometimes hard for things to start, so to have something to do within the first couple of weeks to get to know the school, to get to know students in the school, to get to know upperclassmen and even kind of each other is a good opportunity for them,” Matkovich said.
The storyline of the play centers around the confusing experience known as freshmen year.
Matkovich details where the concepts originate from.
“Usually, the freshmen play title comes from some kind of parody of pop culture,” Matkovich said.
Appropriately, fitting this year’s freshmen play is inspired by the global pandemic. This show hopes to create a taste of what a crazy year on top of freshman life can bring to a 14-year-old. Although the audience seems limited to freshmen, that’s not the case.
The show runs Thursday and Friday at 7 p.m. It is open to the general public. Student admission is free. Adults tickets are $10, and senior citizen tickets cost $5.
“The freshmen play always kind of is about how crazy it is to be a high school student, so a lot of the scenes really kind of like parody what high school is like and to show how over-exaggerated and sometimes ridiculous school can be,” Matkovich said.
Freshman Natalie Murphy spoke on how our younger selves come out when we are vulnerable.
“The freshman play taught me that even though the world tells us to grow up, no one ever really does. We all have a little bit of freshman in us,” Murphy said.
“It’s a group of people I believe won’t let you down. If you’re willing to be vulnerable in front of others, you learn to trust each other in a way you might not with other groups,” Murphy said.
This will also be the first play in the Studio Theatre located by the West Events Entrance.