Top ten positive things about COVID-19
As a way of keeping ourselves occupied during this time of social distancing, my family has started keeping track of our time in quarantine.
Although everyone’s way of life has been completely altered due to the spread of COVID-19, we should acknowledge some positive things that are coming out of these dramatic changes.
10. Freedom with homework
School may not be everyone’s main focus during this time of uncertainty, but the flexibility of our e-Learning days provides students with the chance to complete their assignments at their own desired pace. Plus, any time left over allows for opportunities to get ahead on certain projects.
9. You can stay in your pajamas all-day
This is pretty self-explanatory. If you choose to do so, you can wear the same comfortable clothes for an entire day without anyone knowing or judging you.
8. Time to catch up on TV shows
Your favorite Netflix series is just a couple of clicks away, and it’s calling your name. You can enjoy catching up on your favorite show with all of this free time on your hands.
7. Fewer people on the roads
With Illinois’s stay-at-home order, people have been driving much less than usual, having an unintentional positive impact on our environment.
6. Opportunity to revisit old hobbies
With all of this extra free time, you have the chance to do some of your favorite things that you otherwise wouldn’t have the time to do. Whether you like reading, writing, drawing or anything else, now is the time to relax and fulfill your desires.
5. Time to organize
This has to be one of the favorite outcomes of parents and guardians with our current quarantine situation. Take the time to clean and reorganize your living space so everything is spotless when life returns back to normal.
4. More sleep
Whether you’re going to bed earlier, sleeping in later or napping throughout the day (or a combination of all three), there’s no doubt you have been feeling more refreshed lately.
3. Increased outdoor activity
Seeing so many people get fresh air and get moving over the past several days has been incredible. This is such a great opportunity to take in this confusing midwestern and get active.
2. More time spent with family
From time to time, it might be slightly frustrating to spend all day, every day with the same people, but this is such an awesome chance to connect further with family members.
1. Time to be grateful
The common theme seen among most of these positives is the increased amount of time people have on their hands while in quarantine. This means that there’s more time to think about what we’re thankful for and express our gratitude in a variety of ways.