Top ten things you hear from your family at Thanksgiving dinner
Despite the fun family relations at Thanksgiving dinner, there are many things to be thankful for, such as beautiful fall scenery.
10. “Did you get a haircut?”
I got a little trim about three months ago, but thanks for noticing it now.
9. “Have you heard the latest about so-and-so?”
There is always family drama taking place. It is important to stay up to date on all of this.
8. “Kids spend too much time on their phones these days.”
Fair enough.
7. “Politics are crazy these days, right?”
They are wild, indeed. So wild that I feel stressed out immediately after I start thinking about them.
6. “How is the college search coming along?”
Do not fear, I will keep you updated once everything is decided. For the time being, I would rather enjoy my pumpkin pie instead of thinking about my future.
5. “Are you dating anyone right now?”
Is it just me, or is it a little stuffy in here? Why are all of these questions being asked about my personal life, anyway?
4. “I saw your cousin got a new tattoo.”
That sounds cool. It is a pretty bold move for them to expose that at a family gathering, though.
3. “Did you rip those jeans yourself?”
I know, I know, fashion is weird these days. Sadly, I purchased these for about $50, pre-ripped.
2. “Why aren’t you eating your grandmother’s green bean casserole?”
I guess I’m just not very hungry.
1. “You’ve grown so much!”
Have I really? Last time I checked, I have been the same height for the last four years.