Top Ten Tuesday: DGS TikToks

Photo courtesy of Robert Gasmen
TikToks have made a huge rise in recent weeks. Check out some of DGS’s best.
TikTok, a social media platform where users share short videos, has recently had a significant rise in popularity. This is due in large part to the rise of the @dgstiktok page on Instagram. The account takes submissions from DGS students that it then features on its page. Here are my top ten DGS TikToks:
1. This one ranks at the top of my list because who doesn’t love Mr. Schwartz? I feel this one really resonates with people. It is clever and funny. It is definitely the best TikTok that has been posted so far.
2. Second on my list includes seniors Ryan Krakowiak, Matt Garcia and Charlie Furman. This was one of the original TikToks on the account and the first to be posted by this trio. They have others that followed this, but none that were quite as good.
3. This TikTok features Robert Gasmen. The video is honestly just strange but extremely funny. Who wouldn’t want to throw milk on themselves for over 1,000 people to see?
4. The execution in this one is flawless. Junior Ethan Kelly performs the TikTok in a way that is both amusing and surprising as you didn’t quite expect the outcome of the second card.
5. One of the most iconic TikToks on Instagram is this one. The best of the now common “Pretty Boy Swag” TikToks, this representation of Gibby from “iCarly” is perfect.
6. This one is funny. I actually want to know how you keep the phone in your mouth while recording. It just does not make sense to me.
7. This is by far the most popular TikTok on Instagram. With over 5,000 views, it is the most viewed DGS Tiktok.
8. In one of the funniest DGS TikToks, Senior Colin Dunn and Co. perform a synchronized dance to the song “Jumpman” by Drake.
9. The original TikTok. The first one posted on the account. Honestly, I do not know what to make of this one. It’s really just terrifying is what it is. The Shark Boy song was a nice touch though.
10. This TikTok is so random and doesn’t really make a lot of sense. However, it is still funny and is very popular with over 2,000 views.