Freshman Friday: Declan Mulcahey
Declan Mulcahey.
Q: What is your name?
A: Declan Mulcahey.
Q: How do you like high school so far?
A: I like it a lot so far.
Q: Have you gotten involved at DGS or are you planning to in the future? How?
A: I am currently in French Club and I am going to try out for the volleyball team.
Q: Do you like high school more than you liked middle school? Why?
A: I do like high school more than middle school because I have met new people from other school districts and there are so many opportunities here.
Q: What are you looking forward to doing as high school continues?
A: I am not sure yet but I want to be involved in many things in the future.
Q: Do you have any goals you want to achieve before graduating?
A: I would like to maintain a stable and healthy GPA all four years of high school, and I would like to make the volleyball team along with being in wind ensemble.