Top Ten Tuesday: Fortnite Landing Spots

Donte Reed, Print Sports Editor

Fortnite has been taking the battle royale genre by storm the last few months. A multi platform free game that lets you play with friends is sure to become popular with gamers, but Fortnite has definitely surpassed most expectations.

Whether you play it or not, you most likely have heard of it. For people who have never played the game before or for vets who want to find a few extra tips, here are my top 10 landing spots in Fortnite

Take in mind these are simply my rankings from my own personal games, and everyone plays the game differently, but these spots have at least something to offer most players in either map presence, player traffic or loot capacity.

*Note that the spots I am listing will only be named spots on the map to help keep things simplistic.*

  1. Salty Springs

I give Salty the 10 spot simply because it’s pretty average. With only around 8 possible chest spots you’re not going to be able to gear up that much from here. It made the list simply because it is near the middle of the map, which aids with moving into the eye of the storm that gets smaller over time.

  1. Fatal Fields

Fatal falls into the same category as Salty, while there seems to be a little more traffic here with the season three week two challenge, it’s still a rather quiet place near the bottom center. It rates higher than Salty because of the quarry next to it which allows for easy mining of brick to build with.

  1. Lonely Lodge

Lonely Lodge is an underrated location. People don’t realize that there are several chest spawn locations, and being in a forest provides plenty of wood for early game building and fights. Plus being very close to Retail Row gives players the opportunity to play clean up crew and finish off stragglers in Retail. In testing this spot I won the very first game I landed here with over 10 kills.

      7. Shifty Shafts

Shifty makes the list because of its location, it is right next to Tilted Towers and you can easily quickly gear up to take on any people leaving south of Tilted. Other than the location the spot isn’t the best, but the houses next to it also help in case you aren’t fortunate enough to land their first. I was also able to win the very first game I landed here with over 10 kills.

  1. Tomato Town

Personally, Tomato Town sucks; However, there are very good locations right next to Tomato. The tunnel has the secret chest room that can provide decent loot, and the stone fields just east of it makes getting the needed brick a breeze. Don’t expect to find much in the Pizzeria other than a green burst or pump.

  1. Haunted Hills

Haunted actually has a decent amount of chest spawn locations. While you can’t find many people landing here, a very easy route to get loot is to land at Haunted, and sweep North to Junk Junction, and then finish going back down toward Pleasant Park. It’s an ideal location for a squads game.

  1. Snobby Shores

Snobby Shores is a really fun location to land at. The walls separating the houses can create some really fun game play, plus there are tons of chest spawn there. It’s not as close to Tilted Towers as some of the other locations. You can find a good amount of people going here depending on the location of the battle bus, but if you can come out on top here, you’ll have the gear to last the long game.

Not to mention the easily scalable mountains that separate it from some of the other more populated spots that give you amazing height advantage and map sight. Highly recommend going here if you haven’t given it a try.

  1. Tilted Towers

This for a lot of people would rank as their number one spot. It’s the largest area on the map, has the most chests, most traffic and is relatively close to several great spots. I do really like Tilted Towers, when I just want to have fun and get some kills or show off to a friend or two, I love dropping there and getting into those big fights.

The only reason it’s not ranked in the top two is because of the insanely high amount of people who go here. Unless you’re a Fortnite god you are not always going to make it out of here alive. Most of the time you will die, over and over again.

However, if you are new to Fortnite, this is the number one spot and here’s why. If you’re new to the game, you want to get in as many fights as possible, because it will help teach you the controls of the game and how to win fights. This spot also teaches how to land fast, how to build in between buildings and how to be aggressive. It won’t help a new player to land in a quiet spot, run around not seeing anyone and eventually get picked off by a sniper. So if it’s your first few games, land here until you get a good grip of the controls and the game.

  1. Retail Row

Retail Row is one of those precious spots. Before the addition of Tilted Towers, this was one of the most populated areas on the map. But now with the new map layout, the traffic here is much lower, but the loot is still high.

Expect a fight with around 10 players at most in Retail Row. It’s the perfect amount of players to get super looted and get those high kill count games. Overall the spot just works. A good amount of my wins came from landing either here, or somewhere nearby and playing clean up crew here.

  1. Pleasant Park

Do I need to say more? This is one of the iconic landing spots. Great loot, a liberal amount of player traffic and a great location that allows for almost half a dozen looting routes. Over half of the games I have won came from landing here alone. You can expect to get some awesome gear and a decent amount of kills. If you’re the player to take over Pleasant, expect a top ten finish at least.

I’d recommend this spot to almost anyone who is looking to get that glorious victory royale. Do you want to play a more quiet game? Move from Pleasant Park and loop around Loot Lake toward the middle of the map. Are you a gung ho player who wants to rack up those kills? Move south and clean up the players at Tilted. The best spot in my opinion hands down.

Of course this is solely my opinion, and everyone plays the game differently, but hopefully this is at least a guide for players looking to raise that win count in solos.