The DuPage Regional Office of Education’s Rebound program is one of the many different resources DGS uses. The off campus program is for students who are in need of intense disciplinary actions compared to suspension.
Dr. Karen Taylor spoke upon how DGS has used this program the most this past semester than they have over the past couple years. In the 2023-2024 school year there were a total of nine student referrals. However, in the first semester of this school year there have already been 10 student referrals.
“I will be forthright, the first semester of this year our rate was higher than it has been in previous years. We dealt with an uptick in fighting at the beginning of the school year. And so that led to more referrals to Rebound, especially when we had repeat fighters,” Taylor said.
Taylor also spoke upon how DGS chooses when to use the program.
“So every disciplinary decision is made on a case-by-case basis, but we would use rebound really in one or two typical situations. One would be if there was a behavior that was egregious to the point where we didn’t feel like the restorative work that needed to be done, could safely be done within our building. The other would be if a student has already completed the in the building restorative program we call Path, and then and they committed alike offense,” Taylor said.
Rebound serves students in grades 6-12 who have been referred by their district for various issues, including attendance issues, behavioral difficulties or academic struggles. The program offers a smaller class size and individualized instruction, allowing teachers to address each student’s specific needs.
Another off campus program that the DuPage Regional Office of Education offers is ALOP-Alternative Learning Opportunities Program. ALOP coordinator, Andy True, spoke upon what the program is all about.
“DuPage ALOP is designed to support students that may be struggling at their home school or are at risk of not graduating. ALOP’s goal is to work with these students to earn their State of Illinois High School Diploma by showing high school level mastery via GED exams,” True said.
This year so far there have been six student referrals to the program compared to last year’s nine. Students are referred to the program for different reasons than the Rebound program.
“Students are referred to DuPage ALOP by their home school. This is done as a team approach with the school administration, the student, and their parent/guardian collaborating. DuPage ALOP is not a school placement for consequences due to students being in trouble or for disciplinary reasons; it is also not specifically for students that have special needs,” True said.
For more information about the Rebound program and ALOP, contact the DuPage Regional Office of Education at 630.407.5800