Your red flag based on your taste in music

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8 Total Questions
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Question 1/8
What is your favorite genre of music?

Question 2/8
What is your least favorite genre of music?

Question 3/8
Your friend just got dumped by their boyfriend/girlfriend so now they have an extra concert ticket and they asked you to go. Where are you secretly hoping they're taking you?

Question 4/8
You’re sitting shotgun in your friends car on the way to their grandmas funeral — what are you playing?

Question 5/8
You’re at a party and the host says that his phone died and you have to take aux, what are you playing?

Question 6/8
You’re working on a project for a really boring class during a block period, what are you playing on your airpods?

Question 7/8
Your boyfriend/girlfriend just left you for your twin sister and now you're screaming, crying and throwing up in your room. What are you listening to?

Question 8/8
Your parents are strict and only let you have one album downloaded on your phone. What are you choosing?