Parent teacher conferences are back this fall
Conferences are held either in person or in Google Meets this year.
On Oct. 6 and Oct. 7, parent-teacher conferences are taking place at DGS. This allows an opportunity for parents or guardians to meet with the child’s teacher to check up on their progress and see how they can improve.
Associate Principal Dr. Karen Taylor outlines the importance of the conferences still even with the ability to look at most things on Home Access Center.
“While you can gather all those data points from looking online. There are still questions and observations that teachers are making of students in the classroom setting that are important to communicate,” Taylor said.
Taylor believes that conferences still need to be around for the family-school relationship. She believes that it’s like a table with the three legs being school, students and family.
“We know that when families and school are working together to support students, that students have better performance in school,” Taylor said
Senior Teddy Demos, whose parents attend Parent-teacher conferences, feels they are a day not to look forward to because he knows his parents are going to get mad at him.
“I do not like conferences, from a student perspective. It’s pretty much telling our parents everything we are doing wrong,” Demos said.
Demos also felt as if teachers are just looking for something to criticize him for at conferences.
“They are going to figure out a way to nitpick me and figure out something I am doing wrong,” Demos said
Senior Kyle Collins, whose parents do not attend Parent-teacher conferences and felt as if they may not be needed anymore given the number of abilities parents have to see their student(s) progress in school.
“I think parents shouldn’t have access to all that–at that extent. Like in some of my classes if I get a C or higher on a test, I can’t take a retake while other students can…Conferences are there for students who need help,” Collins said.
Collins also still sees the reasons for parent-teacher conferences to still be a thing.
“It’s a good time for parents to understand what is going on with their kid in school,” Collins said.
While both Collins and Demos felt that conferences may not be needed anymore, they both agreed that there is still good in them for parents to be able to check on their student(s).
Parent-teacher conferences are right around the corner. They take place on Thursday, Oct. 6, from 3:30-8:30 p.m. and Friday, Oct. 7, from 8-11 a.m.