Dress Codes
Regular Dress Code
In general, DGS maintains a largely lax dress code policy only banning items that are offensive– like gang symbols– or encourage misconduct– like beer company t-shirts. Additionally, DGS encourages students to be modest in the way they dress and have specifically classified see-through clothes, exposed underwear and overexposure of skin as inappropriate. Additionally, metal belts and chains are banned.
Gym Dress Code
In gym classes, students are required to wear their PE shirts, athletic shorts, pants or leggings and athletic shoes. Gym shirts and shorts are available for rental for $1 a day and athletic shoes can be borrowed for free each day. PE shirts are sold at the beginning of each school year during PE classes.
During the swim unit, students are expected to bring a swimsuit and towel each day. Both are available for rental for $1 a day. Goggles and swim caps can be borrowed for free but must be returned at the end of each period.
Failure to dress appropriately will result in loss of participation points for that day.