Why is my bus literally always late
More stories from Rachel Ley

My bus is the only bus not pulled into the lot… what a surprise (not).
School buses: the golden chariots with no seat belts that are the transportation for most of DGS students. They bring us to school, they bring us home, all at no cost to any of us but the flash of our school ID when we step aboard. In most aspects, they’re great, but I can’t overlook the fact that my bus is pretty much always late.
I’m a senior now, and this has been an issue for my bus since freshman year. Couple this with the fact that my bus is without debate extremely overcrowded, you could probably guess how much I love taking the bus. Fortunately I’ve been able to drive my car sometimes, but on those days where I am forced to take the bus, getting home was awful.
There have been days where my bus mates and me have had to wait up to half an hour for our bus to arrive. Sitting on the curb, awaiting our yellow chamber of hot Cheeto dust and sweaty high school boys, we wondered when it would rescue us and bring us home. When would we hear the squeaky wheels and annoyingly loud rumble of the engine? Only time would tell… and time was taking too long, 30 minutes too long.
Instead of getting home at 4pm I got home at 4:35. This might not seem like a big deal for most people, but for me as someone with practices and work to get to, it’s extremely inconvenient.
Now, I don’t mean to sound like I’m just trying to bash the bus drivers because that’s not the case at all. I don’t blame this on them. Maybe they simply have too many routes, or their routes are too far away from each other I’m not sure. Whatever the case may be this is an issue that needs to be solved.
While I understand that they have different routes to uphold, we also have places to be after school, and I rely on the bus to get me home on time.