Friendship Friday: Iconic duo Claudia Bringle and Karin Schroeder
More stories from Rachel Ley
Karin and Claudia are the epitome of best friends, and are always by each others side through thick and thin.
Karin and Claudia have been best friends for the last 6 years. They met in their seventh grade homeroom, and have been inseparable ever since. They joined the marching band here at DGS together, and their friendship has only grown stronger since then.
Q- What does Karin mean to you?
Claudia Bringle: “If i didn’t have Karin I would go insane, she keeps me grounded and is someone I can go to about anything.”
Q- What does Claudia mean to you?
Karin Schroeder: “Claudia is always willing to listen to me and be there for me, and knows how to talk me down. I would be so sad without her in my life.”