Freshman Friday: Sara Mekhail
Freshman Sara Mekhail.
Sara Mekhail is a freshman at DGS who is involved in numerous school activities and tries her best to get good grades.
Q: What’s been your biggest struggle this semester?
A: Prepping for finals.
Q: What are you looking forward to next semester?
A: Math class.
Q: What are you involved in at DGS?
A: I’m on the golf team, speech team, and Key Club.
Q: What’s your favorite thing about DGS?
A: The people and the teachers.
Q: What’s true about DGS that you didn’t expect when you first came here?
A: How everyone is so nice.
Q: Who’s your favorite teacher?
A: Mr. Matkovich, because he’s the best.
Q: What are you hoping to achieve by the end of the school year?
A: Getting good grades and maintaining a good GPA.