Anti abortion demonstrators protest outside of DGS
One of the pamphlets passed out by the protesters containing a comic story about following religion and the original copy of Principal Schwartz’s morning announcement.
This morning protesters were stationed around the DGS campus protesting abortion, which led to disruption in students getting to school. The protesters were passing out pamphlets, yelling into bullhorns and holding graphic signs depicting aborted fetuses.
During the 2nd period morning announcements, Principal Edward Schwartz read a statement addressing the protest and student safety.
“Our first priority as a school is to make sure that you are safe. It was for that reason we had administrators and our school resource officer stationed near the area that was occupied by the protesters,” Schwartz said.
Schwartz also advised that students not engage in confrontation and since the protesters are on public property, they have the right to their free speech.
Later that morning, Schwartz sent an email to all DGS staff and families concerning of the safety of the students.
“When [the protesters] arrived, we sent administrators and our School Resource Officer to be in the area so that our students could not be subjected to harassment in any way. Because the demonstrators were on public property and were exercising their right to free speech, we, nor the police could require them to leave,” the email said.
School resource officer Kevin Chapin believes the best way to deal with the protesters is to ignore them and not give them the attention they are seeking.
“The police department encourage the community to not engage with them and not give reactions because we want to avoid any type of confrontation. We are not looking to discuss if what they are protesting is OK, it’s not about that. Our goal here is peace,” Chapin said.
Since one of the protesters was stationed near the west events entrance before school began, many students and parents’ morning routines were affected.
Senior Manny Reyes saw the protesters on Dec. 13. He believes it was unnecessary to protest at school where the goal should be to learn and include.
“I think student safety is very necessary because you never want any student to feel threatened in any way, shape or form in a place where they come to learn,” Reyes said.
Junior Taylor Born encountered one of the protesters trying to hand her a pamphlet on her way to enter school this morning.
“He asked if I wanted a pamphlet and held it out into my face. I didn’t take it and had earbuds in, so I began walking faster,” Born said.
DGS parent Barbara Kattke was not completely worried about the safety of the children, but she does not believe a school setting is the right place to protest these views.
“I don’t feel like I am concerned with the safety of the kids because of the protesters; however, I don’t think it is appropriate at a high school because a lot of the kids are not mature enough to understand or could feel very offended because a lot of [the students] are under 18,” Kattke said.
Rhaya Truman • Dec 14, 2018 at 12:38 pm
Thanks for reading and commenting! But this article was about South high school and the principal is Edward Schwartz.
Anne Friedman • Dec 14, 2018 at 7:55 am
Please correct the principal’s name. It is Janice Schwarze.