‘Horror’scopes: what should you be for Halloween based on your zodiac sign?
More stories from Andrea Davenport
There is magic in the air this week.
Halloween is fast approaching and for those of you that love to dress up, it gets stressful to find a costume. Channel your inner zodiac sign and check out which fun Halloween costume you should be.
Aries: You are energetic, fun and very outgoing. Because you are so energetic, you should dress up as Joy from the Disney movie “Inside Out.” Your peppy personality always cheers up those around you.
Taurus: Your reliability and devotion to family makes you the perfect Betty Draper from “Mad Men.” You are realistic when it comes to life choices and definitely know your way around the mall because your clothing style is beautiful. Not to mention that you, like Betty Draper, know what’s what when it comes to your relationships and can handle anything that comes your way because of your stubbornness and determination to succeed.
Gemini: You are very affectionate and caring, but what good is that all by yourself. You should join your Aries friends for a group costume from “Inside Out.” You don’t like to be alone and are always nervous; therefore, you should dress up as Fear.
Cancer: Much like your Gemini friends, you prefer to be with the people you care about. Not to mention, you are extremely emotional at times and and can be quite moody. You should be Sadness from “Inside Out,” as you could definitely rock a cute, blue outfit.
Leo: As a couch potato and lazy bum, it makes the most sense to dress up as a Joel Goodsen, played by Tom Cruise, in the movie “Risky Business”. You like to lay back and relax, and the costume can be found lying around your house. You are passionate about dressing up but don’t want to put in the extra effort, who would’ve thunk it.
Virgo: You love being analytical and are a loner in life. You should be a classic nerd, always there, always paying attention and always laughing at others because they do stupid things and don’t realize you are there. Don’t forget your pocket protector.
Libra: My, my, aren’t you just the party animal? You hate being alone and love social gatherings; it only makes sense that you dress up as a 1920s flapper. You’re wild at heart, but still understand self-control and can handle your own at any party.
Scorpio: You have to be Rosie The Riveter. Your compassion and strength get you through the tough days and you are not afraid to get your hands dirty. Much like many women, you are assertive and resourceful in what you want.
Sagittarius: You absolutely have to be the iconic Indians Jones. You love adventure and the outdoors, but you also love to do some crazy traveling. Being the energetic and philosophical person you are, you are the spitting image of the beloved Indiana Jones.
Capricorn: Because of your love for tradition and craftiness, you should make yourself a classic witch costume. Although you are not by any means a “witch-y” person, you can be condescending at times. However, you always come through by being responsible in control and are serious about what you love.
Aquarius: Oh, darling, aren’t you lucky. Your unbiased nature and intellect make you the perfect Ruth Bader-Ginsburg. You love to help others while also solving extreme, deep-thinking problems. Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, the sassy Supreme Court justice, is in your spirit because, wow, you are really something.
Pisces: Your inner zodiac sign is telling you to be Pocahontas. You are gentle and friendly, and always caring for others. Your selflessness is what others love about you and you don’t mind spending some quality time with yourself — especially when you are sleeping.