DGS celebrates Respect Week
DGS aims to highlight anti-bullying and advocate for respect by celebrating Respect Week March 12-17.
“Respect Week is a yearly tradition at South that highlights anti-bullying campaigns and promotes respect for all of the differences amongst our diverse school. We have partnered with Special Olympics Illinois to provide funding for materials and prizes for those who demonstrate respect throughout the school,” Special Services teacher Brett Wolf said in an email sent out to staff yesterday.
Activities will be held in the cafeteria during lunch periods that promote positive and respectful student behavior. DGS also encourages students to take part in designated dress-up days.
The themes for each day are as follows:
Monday: Outstanding Outfit
Tuesday: Rad Rainbow
Wednesday: Crazy Sock Day
Thursday: No Fear Neon
Friday: Magnificent Mustang
The lunchroom activities will include:
Monday: Respect Photo Booth
Tuesday: Autism Awareness Puzzles
Wednesday: Respect Pledge
Thursday: Kahoot
Friday: New Lunch Buddies