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Top five reasons why Minions are the best animated characters

A worn Minion t-shirt lays by a trinket from   the same cinematic universe-showing the loyalty and love for the miniature beings.
A worn Minion t-shirt lays by a trinket from the same cinematic universe-showing the loyalty and love for the miniature beings.
Courtesy of Brooke Spindler

#5: They like the underrated banana fruit.
I feel like no one eats bananas anymore. At least for me, the Despicable Me and Minions movies reintroduced me to the fruit and I started adding it to the grocery list on a regular basis. Bananas are most commonly eaten with breakfast and it is really great that minions promote eating healthy to young viewers.


#4: They match with their friends.

The copy-cat culture of today is kind of depressing with friends becoming offended or upset when the people close to them try to emulate them. We naturally follow our role models and the people we gravitate towards so why try to shut down this aspect of personal growth when everyone can just bask in togetherness?


#3: They embrace their silliness and genuine selves.
In the current state of the world, it is common for people, especially impressionable minds, to mend their personas to the people or environment they are near. Minions do not care what anyone around them think-they do what they need and want for themselves by embracing their reality, friendships and personal purpose, which is of course to help Gru.


#2: The minion community is super diverse and speaks their own language.
More and more, the world continues to accept diversity. The Minions welcomed this idea starting with the first Despicable Me movie through the creation of the Minion language. Minionese or “The Banana language” is based upon eight languages around the world-attempting to include potential audiences.


#1: They are incredibly loyal and are one big family.
One thing that is a challenge for each kid growing up is finding their tribe and true identity. While the minions may have their own built-in tribe, they take pride in it by staying loyal and true to each other. Viewers can see throughout the movies the Minions sticking up for each other but also just laughing with one another.

They really just make each other their own best versions of themselves.

Do Minions change your opinion on bananas?

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