Apples are my absolute favorite food. Actually that’s a lie, my favorite food is strictly a Honeycrisp apple. Apples are one of the most diverse and various foods in the world, and that may lead to its downfall. Why would you spend so much time and effort harvesting and growing billions of types of apples, when only one is the best?
I went through and I tried eight different apples from my grocery story, and Honeycrisp apples still reigned true. An amazing apple must include a good crunch, a coloring of light red with a hint of yellow and bright white inside. Honeycrisp apples check all of those boxes.
While I may have gone into my experiment with a fixed mindset knowing that Honeycrisp apples were my favorite, I saved the best for last and tried my hardest to give each apple a fair shot considering my mom went out and bought them for me.
I just said I tried my best entering my apple experiment with an open mind, yet I did in fact judge a book by its cover, or shall I say an apple by its appearance. Personally, the color of my food has a direct impact on if I enjoy it or not, and it was no different with these apples.
Nothing can compare to the Golden Delicious apple. Oh my, it might have been the worst thing I’ve ever tasted. I can tell you for a fact that it was a direct contradiction of its name. First off, it was solely yellow, and I just knew I should have stopped my review there, but I chose to power through. The apple was so soft, disgusting and ew, just don’t eat it. Take my word because I took one for the team. If I’m going to be completely honest, it tasted and looked like a pear, so it might as well re-classify while it’s ahead.
The last of the stark, single colored apples was a Granny Smith. Once again, the coloring needs variation, and there seems to be a recurring theme that the single colored apples rank the worst. The Granny Smith did not have a horrible taste, it was sour for a change, but I couldn’t get past the texture. It was very waxy and was not worth a second bite.
In the middle of the pack, we have the meh apples. Which include the Pink Lady with a really pretty coloring, but a mushy texture. Would be better if it was actually pink. The Sugarbee apple also lands themselves here with a good crunch, but an unsettling after taste. The last apple ranking here is the Fuji apple, honestly not much to say on this but it seems like it’s trying so hard to be a Honeycrisp that it’s embarrassing.
Now, I will say, I do have to give credit where it’s due. The Rave apple comes in a very close second with the champion. I was pleasantly surprised with its great crunch and sweet flavor. Not to mention the coloring was almost perfect, but the apple was a little more oval than round. I can’t deny, I am starting to see the “Rave” about this apple.
Well we all saw this coming. The clear winner of my experiment was the Honeycrisp apple. Nothing can match the gorgeous pattern of the reds and yellows merging together, or the perfect crunch and delectable sweet taste. I could quite literally eat ten of them. They do say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, I wonder if they’ll reward me for going above and beyond?