This was taken by during in March in Downers Grove, IL.
Letter to the editor: Introduction from former DGS students
Last week the Blueprint published multiple articles about Black Lives Matter.
We want to respond to this article by giving the Downers Grove community tangible changes that we should be demanding from the school district in order to better for our community and heal from the history of hate that still infects our institutions.
This is the notice of nondiscrimination that a student who accesses the DGS website meets when trying to file a complaint against the school for discrimination.
It may be required by law that schools state this mantra, however, it feels empty.
Many of those in the DGS community are posting on social media, attending protests and starting to have uncomfortable conversations with family and friends about race. That can’t be the end of things.
Action is where real change lies. Your Black classmates need the Downers Grove community to show up for them and act in ways that embody the fact that Black lives matter.
So here are three Black-passing biracial female alumni’s reflections on what the values of Black Lives Matter mean within our school, which seems to have missed the memo.
Parts I, II, III and IV coming soon.