Girls gymnastics team tumbles above and beyond
February 9, 2022
The Downers Grove girls gymnastics team has been steadily improving their scores both individually and as a team, making them undefeated this season. Through a lot of hard work and dedication, the girls have been accomplishing their greatest goals and leaving a mark on the girls gymnastics program.

Head girls gymnastics coach Kristyn Campos motivated the girls through both practices and competitions, leading them to success. Routines performed by some of the girls not only scored the highest at competitions, but made their way up the record boards.
“Individually a few girls have had some great routines that have put them in the top ten routines in our school history,” Campos said.
Having a confident mindset helped junior Kathryn Snouffer work her way to breaking records. When practices and competitions became difficult, Snouffer knew the key to getting herself back on track.
“I practice more by being confident and controlled in my routines because almost all the records I have are from when I’m mentally at my best, and so practicing confidence really helps me prepare for the mindset I want to have at a competition,” Snouffer said.

From a coaching perspective, practicing confidence and having the motivation to succeed is what brings the girls gymnastics team all together. Though the record boards from past years stand tall, they serve as an example of what the team has experienced and fought for.
“There is never an expectation to make it onto the record boards, but I do think those boards help motivate some athletes to make their mark on our gymnastics program,” Campos said.
As Snouffer and other girls broke records, they acknowledged the team’s work ethic and their individual accomplishments more and more. Campos watched the girls grow in their skill sets as both individuals and as a team. Whether the girls excelled at competitions, landed their hardest skills at practice or left a footprint on the program, Campos was thrilled.
“Each time a gymnast is able to have their name placed on the record boards I am really proud of them and their hard work,” Campos said.
Despite Snouffer’s accomplishments at competitions and practices, the feeling of seeing her name on the record boards brings her joy. The record board allows her to reflect on how she’s grown as a gymnast and how her legacy will continue to lead her in the right direction.
“Seeing myself break records is exciting, yet humbling. It lets me know my potential whenever I’m doubting myself, but it also reminds me to keep my head up and stay grateful for the things I have achieved,” Snouffer said.

The girls gymnastics team placed first at sectionals and will be advancing to state, which will occur on Feb. 18.